What Is the Difference Between CBD Distillate and CBD Isolate?

 Because more CBD (cannabidiol) products are being released each day, navigating the market can be an exercise in frustration at times. In an effort to help make things more obvious, we wanted to explain down some of the numerous formats that CBD Isolate and oils can come in so that you can determine which one works best for you. You can get in touch with us if you are interested in reading about some of the research that is being done on cannabinoids extracts and oils, or you can brush up on your knowledge of the fundamentals of cannabis.

The distillate, often known as "broad spectrum oil."

After beginning as full spectrum oil, the distillate goes through a process of refinement in which cannabinoids such as THC are either reduced or removed entirely. Distillate is frequently referred to as "Broad Spectrum Oil."

CBD Isolate

Isolated CBD is the most concentrated form of cannabidiol. It is in the form of a powder, and while some products on the market may feature CBD isolation along with terpenes, our Isolate CBD Powder does not contain any other active components besides CBD. Instead, it just contains CBD.

Milk is a good analogy to use because it's something almost everyone is familiar with and can use to better understand the differences between the various extracts of cannabidiol (CBD).

Raw milk is milk that has not been pasteurized or altered in any way; it is present in its original, unadulterated form and comes directly from the cow or goat that produced it. The subsequent stage, which is called "pasteurization," rids the milk of some of the germs and enzymes that it contains. Even further, the molecules of the milk can be broken down by a process called homogenization, which helps prevent the milk from separating. It is possible to eliminate the fats from the milk, and the milk itself can be refined to the point where it becomes powdered milk. At this point, the milk is so refined that it does not need to be refrigerated and may simply be stored on a shelf.

We have high hopes that this will assist to maintain the dialogue surrounding CBD open and flowing as this industry continues to develop and flourish! Conducting research is essential!


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